# Simple function takes fasta and returns
# fitlered fasta with only the longest sequence
# for each species.
FastaFilter <- function(f.in, folder = F, prefix="pruned"){
# f.in if we are processing just a single file this should be
# a text string holding the name or name and path to the file
# folder if T then all files in the folder will be
# processed by the function
# prefix as a default we save new copies with the prefix
# pruned but we can put whatever we want here
# first we have a function for a single file
single.file <- function(f.in, prefix){
# this reads in our file
seqs <- read.dna(f.in, as.character = T, format="fasta", as.matrix = F)
# gets a lits of the unique taxa
taxa.present <- unique(names(seqs))
# this will hold our final set of sequences
final.list <- list()
# here we find the longest sequence for each species and store it
for(i in 1:length(taxa.present)){
hits <- which(names(seqs) == taxa.present[[i]])
possible <- seqs[hits]
z <- which.max(unlist(lapply(possible,length)))
final.list[i] <- possible[z]
names(final.list)[i] <- names(possible)[z]
# save the result as a fasta file
write.dna(x=final.list, file=paste(prefix, ".", f.in, sep = ""),
format = "fasta")
# here we call our function for a single file
if(folder == F){
single.file(f.in, prefix)
# here we get a list of all files and call our
# function itterativly to process each file
if(folder == T){
files <- list.files()
for(i in 1:length(files)){
single.file(f.in = files[i], prefix = prefix)
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