As part of a project with an undergrad this summer I am working on a theoretical study that involves simulations of many different tree topologies that include varying amounts and types of geneflow among lineages.   For a number of reasons that I won't go into here, we will be generating many hundreds of backbone trees in the R package diversitree that we will then add hybridization events to and simulate possible gene trees in ms.  A potential stumbling block in this process is the lack of a link between R and ms.  These two environments store tree information in very different formats.  In R a tree is held as a table (below its a 6x2 table) where each row of the table is a branch and the nodes it connects are listed as its elements.  R then stores the length of these branches in a vector that has the same length as the rows in the table.  In contrast, ms views a tree as a series of joining events that link together demes (populations) that are separate in the present.  Therefore it lists a tree in a much simpler format where we have joining events (coalescences) that occur further and further back in time.

So for this project, I needed a function that could take a random tree from R and produce and ms string.  For my purposes, I want the ability to have ms give gene trees or segregating sites.  Here is the code I came up with.  It is also available from GitHub version of my R package evobiR:

 getMS <- function(tree, samps, report,{  
  # add a demes tracking column to the edge matrix  
  tree$edge <- cbind(tree$edge, rep(NA, nrow(tree$edge)))  
  output <- vector()  
  used.demes <- 0  
  check <- T  
  while(check == T){  
   # find tips  
   tips <- tree$edge[!tree$edge[, 2] %in% tree$edge[, 1], 2]  
   # determine which rows of #edge and elements of #edge.length these are  
   branches <- which(tree$edge[,2] %in% tips)  
   # find the shortest of the branches  
   shortb <- branches[which.min(tree$edge.length[branches])]  
   # find the parent node  
   par.node <- tree$edge[shortb, 1]  
   # find branches with this parent  
   hits <- tree$edge[, 1] == par.node  
   # remove one already stored  
   hits[shortb] <- F  
   # store the branch we will join  
   shortb[2] <- which(hits)  
   # determine if demes are named branch 1  
   if($edge[shortb[1], 3])){  
    demes1 <- max(used.demes) + 1  
    used.demes <- c(used.demes, (max(used.demes) + 1))  
    demes1 <- tree$edge[shortb[1], 3]  
   # determine if demes are named branch 1  
   if($edge[shortb[2], 3])){  
    demes2 <- max(used.demes) + 1  
    used.demes <- c(used.demes, (max(used.demes) + 1))  
    demes2 <- tree$edge[shortb[2], 3]  
   # store deme name in tree$edge  
   tree$edge[tree$edge[, 2] == par.node, 3] <- demes2  
   # record ej statement  
   output <- paste(output, "-ej", tree$edge.length[shortb[1]], demes1, demes2)  
   # check and see if we still have more work to do  
    #add edge length that will be lost when we remove branches  
    tree$edge.length[tree$edge[, 2] == par.node] <-   
     tree$edge.length[tree$edge[, 2] == par.node] +   
    #update tree$edge.length  
    tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length[-shortb]  
    #update tree$edge  
    tree$edge <- tree$edge[-shortb, ]  
    # when we are down to 2 edges we are done  
    check <- F  
  z <- paste(rep("1", length(tree$tip)), collapse=" ")  
  outz <- paste("-", report, sep="")  
  output <- paste(length(tree$tip),   
          samps, "-I",  

And here is an example of it running:

 > library(ape)  
 > tree <- rcoal(4)  
 > plot(tree)  
 > getMS(tree, samps=2, report="T")  
 [1] "4 2 -I 4 1 1 1 1 -ej 0.0178240316454321 1 2 -ej 0.65862003858505 2 3 -ej 0.922894212466909 4 3 -T "  
 > getMS(tree, samps=20, report="s",  
 [1] "4 20 -I 4 1 1 1 1 -ej 0.0178240316454321 1 2 -ej 0.65862003858505 2 3 -ej 0.922894212466909 4 3 -s 50"  

And now we can run these strings through ms:
 $ ./ms 4 2 -I 4 1 1 1 1 -ej 0.0178240316454321 1 2 -ej 0.65862003858505 2 3 -ej 0.922894212466909 4 3 -T  
 ./ms 4 2 -I 4 1 1 1 1 -ej 0.0178240316454321 1 2 -ej 0.65862003858505 2 3 -ej 0.922894212466909 4 3 -T   
 32028 54298 17741  

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I am broadly interested in the application and development of comparative methods to better understand genome evolution at all scales from nucleotides to chromosomes.
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