plot(0, 0, col = "white", ylim=c(.5,6.5),
main="types of lines possible with lty arguments")
for(i in 1:6){
abline(h=i,lty=i, lwd=2,col=viridis(10)[i])
plot(0, 0, col = "white", ylim=c(.5,6.5),
main="types of lines possible with lty arguments")
for(i in 1:6){
abline(h=i,lty=i, lwd=2,col=viridis(10)[i])
Dealing with Duplicate Data in R workshop Join our workshop on Dealing with Duplicate Data in R, which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series! Here’s some more info: Title: Dealing with...
A simple custom R contour plotter Base R and other contributed R packages have a wide range of functions for graphing contour plots and surfaces. In working on a project I needed to crea...
Lamellicornia In the old days, entomologists placed beetles with club-shaped antennae—the “club” being composed of multiple flattened segments—into the suborder Lamellic...
The 9th Annual Holiday Print Sale I am excited to announce the return of the Holiday Insect Print Sale, now in its 9th year! I have selected 35-ish photographs that will be available at 70%...
2017 Bodega Bay Workshop – Apply now! Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 Workshop in Applied Phylogenetics. This year’s workshop will run from March 11 to 18 at the Bodega Bay Mar...
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