A couple of years ago I posted a bit of code that lets you plot data in a ternary diagram.  This is a useful way to display proportion data when proportions are split between three possible states.  Unfortunately, my original post included a link to the underlying data in my dropbox account.  This has led to me accidentally deleting it a couple of times.

Well I did it again.  I decided that the best solution would be to just post some new code that included simulation of the data.

The original data was generated under a phylogenetic model and the data represented the number of species in each of 3 possible states.  If you would like to regenerate data for that approach you will need an R package that allows for discrete data simulation on a phylogenetic tree.  A fairly easy to install package that can do this is geiger.  Below is the code for generating the an appropriate dataset.

 ## phylogenetic approach to simulating data  
 tree <- sim.bdtree(b=1, d=.4, stop=c("taxa", "time"), n=200, seed=0, extinct=T)  
 tree <- drop.extinct(tree)  
 q <- list(rbind(c(-.06, .05, .01), c(.09, -.1, .01), c(.01, .01, -.02)))  
 simresult <- matrix(1,200,4)  
 for(i in 1:200){  
  sim.root <- sample(1:3, prob=c(.55,.35,.1), size=1)  
  phylosim <- sim.char(phy=tree, model="discrete", par=q,   
  simresult[i,2] <- sum(phylosim == 1)  
  simresult[i,3] <- sum(phylosim == 2)  
  simresult[i,4] <- sum(phylosim == 3)  
  simresult[i,1] <- sim.root + 1  
 simresult[1,1] <- 1  
 rm(i, phylosim,q,sim.root,tree)  

If you are not interested in phylogenetics you can generate an appropriate dataset in a non-phylogenetic framework like this:

 ## non-phylogenetic approach to simulating data  
 simresult <- matrix(1,200,4)  
 simresult[,2] <- sample(1:498, size=200)  
 for(i in 1:200){  
  simresult[i,3] <- sample(1:(499 - simresult[i,2]), size=1)  
  simresult[i,4] <- sample(1:(500 - (simresult[i,2] + simresult[i,3])), size=1)  
  simresult[i,1] <- sample(2:4, size=1, prob = c(simresult[i,2],   
                          500 - (simresult[i,2] + simresult[i,3])))  
 simresult[1,1] <- 1  

Finally with either of these datasets you can then plot using the vcd package.

 ## plotting simulated data  
 colnames(simresult) <- c("Root", "XY", "XO", "Xyp")  
 simresult <- as.data.frame(simresult)  
 colors <- c("black","red","green", "orange")  #This sets up a vector of colors  
 ternaryplot(                  #This is the actual plotting of our data  
  simresult[,2:4],               #Here I provide the file and columns to plot  
  pch = 20,                   #This is choosing the shape of data points (simple circle here)  
  cex = .5,                   #This is the size of the data points  
  col = colors[as.numeric(simresult$Root)],   #Telling it to color the points  
  main = "PPS - 3-State Model"         #Provides a title for the graph  
 grid_legend(x="topright", pch=20, col=colors, labels=c("Observed", "XY", "XO", "Xyp"),title = "Root States")  #Sets up a legend  

This script will then produce:



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