If you want to skip all the code and
Shiny info you can jump straight to the shiny app: Brownian motion simulator.
In comparative phylogenetics Brownian
motion is often either a null model that we compare observations to or is a de
facto assumption that our methods depend on. For this reason, I think it
can be useful to have nice interactive ways for students to explore this
model and develop an intuitive understanding of how it behaves. The R package Shiny offers a great environment
to develop something like this. Below
you can see just how easy it is to create a slick and responsive web app.
The first step is designing a file
called “ui.R” this is the user interface.
It consists of two primary code chunks the first is the sidebarLayout
this describes the part of the page that the user will interact with. The Shiny package has many implemented
widgets built into the package and in this example I use two of these one is
sliderInput and the other is the actionButton.
SliderInput creates a sliding widget and lets you set the min and max
value for the variable as well as an initial starting value. The actionButton widget creates a variable
that initially has a value of 1 and this is incremented by 1 each time the
button is pressed. I use the
actionButton to act as the seed for the stochastic portion of my code. The second part of this simple ui.R file
specifies the output to place next to the sidebar. In this example I simply call the object “distPlot”
which is created in the server page and I also specify the vertical size to be
larger than it would be by default.
# Define UI for application
# Application title
titlePanel("Brownian Motion"),
# Sidebar for user input
# select how many generations to run
min = 10,
max = 500,
value = 500),
# select the number of replicates
min = 10,
max = 500,
value = 100),
# select the part to plot a histogram of
"Generation to plot:",
min = 10,
max = 500,
value = 100),
# refresh via a seed change
actionButton("seed.val", 'Refresh')
# Show a plot of the simulation result and make it a bit larger with height argument
plotOutput("distPlot", height="600px")
The next component of the Shiny app is
the “server.R” file. This is the code
that will be run to generate the outpot portion of the webapp. This consists of two components in the
example. The first is the reactive
component that is the result of the Brownian motion simulation. By using
replicate we will create a matrix where the rows represent generations and the
columns represent iterations. By placing it inside of a reactive command we
insure that it will only be rerun when one of the underlying input variables
changes. If you look at the code you can
see that this includes: input$seed.val, input$reps, input$gens. In contrast if another variable such as input$mon
changes “x” will not be recalculated.
# I like this color pallete much more than the base options
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# this is the actual brownian motion simulation
x <- reactive({
# insure reproducability
set.seed <- input$seed.val
replicate(input$reps, cumsum(rnorm(n=input$gens, sd=input$rate)))
# Now we will build the output plot
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
# we will have two plots
# need a bit more room
# this just keeps our color variation from being hidden when itterations++
cols <- sample(viridis(input$reps))
# the primary plot
matplot(x(),type="l",lty=1, lwd=1.5, col=cols, main="Brownian Motion", ylab="Trait Value", xlab="Generations")
# this line will indicate what is being plotted in the histogram below
abline(v=input$mon, lwd=3, col="red")
# now we plot the distribution switched from a histrogram this looks prettier IMHO
col = 'red',
xlab="Trait value",
main=paste("Trait distribution at generation", input$mon))
The second element of the code is the
actual plot I want output. Because x is
a matrix we can use matplot to plot the results quickly and easily. I choose to use a new color pallete
viridis. However, we want to make this
interactive by adding a histrogram of any time point on the graph. We do this by using the argument input$mon to
select a specific row of x to plot. This
determines what data is used for the second graph and adds a vertical line
indicating what time point is being plotted.
Here is what the finished product looks
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