Do you need computational skills in ecology and evolution?
munge a big dataset into different formats use R to visualize their data and explore possible relationships create scripts in R that process data do statistical test and output final plots for manuscripts
I wanted to justify the importance of learning good coding, scripting, computational skills to my students so I decided to mine the Evoldir mailing list for the last month or so. I first downloaded all of the adds for postdoc positions that were posted from December 1, 2017 to January 15, 2018. There were a total of 86 adds.
1 and 2 dimensional sliding window
Publons Data - Geographic connections
The thing that I was particularly interested in was looking at differences among countries.
converting trees to ms format
working with Phylota fasta files
Tracking my reading #365papers
In Defense of Science
color palettes and color coding
Population genetics teaching application
ABBA BABA test and ambiguity in sequence data
Perhaps one of the simplest tests for introgression is the ABBA/BABA test. I have a couple of versions of this test implemented in my R package EvobiR. The most frequent email that I have gotten concerning ABBA/BABA tests is from people that want support for ambiguity codes. Ambiguity codes have two very different sources.
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