There are lots of population genetics simulators available as both standalone programs and online offerings.  However, I decided that I wanted to make my own.  So here is my Fisher-Wright model basic population genetics simulator.  I thought it might be a fun way to try out a new package called “shiny”.  Shiny is a package from the developers of RStudio.  It provides an easy way to create interactive web pages that draw on R for generating the displayed content.  These can be run locally by anyone that has the Shiny package installed or you can set up a shiny server and host them as webpages that will use an instance of R on the server to generate the displayed content.  So here is what it looks like in action:

This isn't on the CRAN version of evobiR yet but if you want to play with it you can get it by installing through GitHub.

install_github("evobir", username='coleoguy')



Here are links to some other useful simulation software:


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I am broadly interested in the application and development of comparative methods to better understand genome evolution at all scales from nucleotides to chromosomes.
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