I am also in the Stats 101 course offered by Andrew Conway from Princeton. It finishes this coming week. I took this course because despite having taken a couple of stats courses a lot of it just doesn’t feel intuitive the way I would like for it to be. I really like the format that he employed standing in front of a 50”+ monitor and lecturing with an I pad… easy to watch and it definitely improved my comfort with multiple regression and ANOVAs.
I believe that MOOCs (massive open online courses) are going to become an important part of education in the future. I have two years of experience lecturing about generally biology, zoology, entomology, and my own research. One thing that I have learned is that explaining things in a fashion that fosters real understanding is not magic. However, it is nontrivial, and it certainly comes easier to some people than to others. With today’s technology what possible excuse do we have for not to sharing our best teachers with everyone in the world. I personally feel privileged to get to pick and choose professors from some of the best universities in the country and supplement my education by listening to their explanations and working through the types of problems that they feel test and illustrate the important concepts of a topic or method.
Probably the two biggest current MOOC Offerings are:
I first became a promoter of open education via the work of Sal Khan years ago. He has done some absolutely amazing work in promoting this culture.
Sal's TED Talk
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